The Middle East Needs a One State Solution

I'm a Zionist and a Hebrew nationalist. Hebrew nationalism is the same as any other form of ethno-nationalism, providing a connection to the past and a meaning for the future, and is centered around the belief that the Hebrew people should have a positive self-identity, including defending themselves from criticism, organizing in self-interest, preserving their …

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>Be me, and influential member of society >Remembered I had an e-blog for shiptoasting >Turned 18 today >Still live in a communist dystopia Does anyone else remember when life was easier?

On the Collapse of Civilizations: Against the Modern World

I heard an elderly gentleman today remark with disgust that he never thought he'd see the day when America would have socialist leaders in the government. I can't begin to describe how amusing it was to hear that. If America hasn't already been a communist country for several years, it is fast becoming one, and …

Continue reading On the Collapse of Civilizations: Against the Modern World

On the Causes of Revolutionary Outcomes: America’s War for Independence

America has been down a long road since transforming from confederated colonies to a world superpower, and perhaps it’s because of years gone by that people have forgotten the fundamental lessons that can be learned from studying history. We have to remember that the purpose of studying history isn’t at all to remember places and …

Continue reading On the Causes of Revolutionary Outcomes: America’s War for Independence